The Conservation Sciences Seminar brings to you a series of talks from across academic and geographical boundaries. Our speakers bring a diverse perspective into the science of conservation, it’s communication and building a community that encourages unconventional ideas and solutions. The audience is typically faculty, students and staff from the UMN Conservation Sciences Graduate program, […]
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Occurrence of drought and flood periods from annual rainfall data in eastern India
65 years, 83 years, 84 years, 86 years and 87 years annual rainfall data from 10 raingauge stations in Eastern India were analysed following conventional method, ARIMA ( autoregressive integrated moving average) model, and polynomial regression for assessment of the occurrence of drought and flood periods. It was found that the present annual rainfall condition […]
Estimation of annual rainfall penetration from saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil, soil moisture content and potential, and actual monsoon period
There are many empirical formulae for the estimation of annual rainfall penetration (AMP), but those are not universal in their application and also regarding their methodologies. Datta et al (1973) have attempted in a classical way for assessing annual rainfall penetration with the help of annual rainfall and average clay percentage of topsoil. In the […]
A new approach for estimation of rainfall recharge from prolonged infiltration rate and effective monsoon period
To study the rainfall recharge during effective monsoon period an experiment was conducted during 140 days of effective monsoon in the year 1990 at Kalyani, Nadia district, West Bengal, India. The potential recharging capacity of that soil was found to be 7729 cm by continuous supply of water, while the recharge during the period of […]
Effect of waterbodies on the quality of groundwater in coastal areas of South 24 Parganas in West Bengal, India
The effect of waterbodies (sea, river or canal) on the electrical conductivity of the piezo-water at high and low tide is analysed. It is found that quality of twelve piezo-water samples up to a depth of 160 330 m is not dependent on the quality of surface waterbodies like rivers or canals.
Prediction of drought and flood years in eastern India using lengths of runs of annual rainfall
65 years, 83 years, 84 years, 86 years and 87 years annual rainfall data of 10 raingauge stations in eastern India were analysed for prediction of drought and flood years using runs of annual rainfalls. Both for the entire period of studies and the period after 1950 it was observed that 2 years excess of […]

Agroforestry is a quite push to grow crops on the interspaces of trees. Agroforestry is an age old practice followed in some form or other in different parts of the world to encompasses promotion of components like woody perennials, crops, fruit crops and other natural resources in temporal and spatial sequences, which […]
Role of legume crop rotation in rice-based cropping sequence in managing soil salinity problem and in maintaining soil fertility and rice productivity in coastal alluvial soil
Introduction Land and water are the two most vital natural resources of the world and these are under tremendous stress due to the ever increasing biotic pressure. Accelerated land degradation caused by soil erosion, waterlogging, salinization, alkalization, acidification, fertility depletion, physical and biological deterioration affecting about fifty percent of the land area, adds to the […]
RHA (Rice Husk Ash) in ameliorating soil salinity, alkalinity and acidity
Rice husk is a by-product of the rice milling industry. It is also abundantly available. Rice husk is a residue produced in significant quantity on a global basis. While they are used as a fuel in some regions, in other countries they are treated as waste, causing pollution and disposal problems. Due to growing environmental […]
Arsenic content of groundwater got reduced through storage in ponds

An inventory survey (1998-2000) was conducted on land and water use pattern in Gotera mauza under new alluvial zone of the Gangetic delta in West Bengal. The survey revealed that ponds were continuously filled with arsenic contaminated groundwater through peoples’ practice of filling the ponds with Tubewell water in non-rainy periods mainly during pre-monsoon (April […]