Due to their functions, soil and water are two of the most important natural resources, given that life on Earth depends on them both https://www.uab.cat/web/estudiar/official-master-s-degrees/general-information-1096480962610.html?param1=1096482863622 This master is biennial and will not open pre-registration for the 2023-2024 academic year. The master’s degree in Soil and Water Management gives students multidisciplinary training in Earth Sciences, especially […]
Soil and Water Conservation for Sustainable Food Production
This book is intended to be a constituent companion of structured textbooks on soil science, soil conservation, soil physics, soil health, soil and water conservation, etc. A single book cannot afford to deal with all aspects of knowledge of soil science, as that branch of science has grown up to the unthinkable dimensions from studies […]
Secret world beneath surface soil
A secret world beneath the surface of the soil “Nic Jelinski is standing at the bottom of a six-foot deep hole in the middle of a corn field in Waseca, Minnesota. ‘Can you see how the first two feet of soil is black?’ he asks the group of conservation professionals gathered around him. ‘That’s where top […]
Precipitation and landforms are the primary drivers of river baseflow
Precipitation and landforms as the primary drivers of river baseflow Seminar: Dr. Satish Gupta (Hybrid) Wednesday, September 14, 2022 | 3:30 PM | Hybrid Join Zoom meeting: https://umn.zoom.us/j/93652767893 To join the Zoom meeting by phone, dial 1-651-372-8299 (or another number based on your location) and enter the Meeting ID: 936 5276 7893 Event Speaker: Dr. Satish Gupta, Professor […]
Emerging Issues in Soil and Water
19th William E. Larson and Raymond R. Allmaras Emerging Issues in Soil and Water Lecture: 2022 Larson Allmaras Lecture featuring Dr. Vanessa Bailey: Friday, April 29, 2022 | 3 PM Minnesota Time | Hybrid Event 335 Borlaug Hall & Zoom Department of Soil, Water, and Climate,University of Minnesota, USA. https://swac.umn.edu/events/2022-larson-allmaras-lecture Pores to Cores: Microbial Carbon Cycling in […]
WORLD WATER DAY 2022 GROUNDWATER – MAKING THE INVISIBLE VISIBLE Groundwater is invisible, but its impact is visible everywhere. Out of sight, under our feet, groundwater is a hidden treasure that enriches our lives. Almost all of the liquid freshwater in the world is groundwater. As climate change gets worse, groundwater will become more and […]
Department of Soil, Water, and Climate, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, University of Minnesota, 439 Borlaug Hall 1991 Upper Buford Circle St. Paul, MN 55108, USA.
Department of Soil, Water, and Climate in the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, University of Minnesota, is located on the traditional and treaty land of the Dakota people, in the area known as Mnisóta Makhóčhe (the land of Minnesota). The mission of the Department of Soil, Water, and Climate is to advance the […]
Ecosystem management of degraded red and lateritic soil through agroforestry
Agroforestry systems are efficient in protecting environment and forests, in integrating farming components in a lesser space and time to produce crop per drop of water and per plot of land, and thus, in making better use of environmental and natural resources. Agroforestry systems are also very much efficient in protecting marginal lands in red […]
Department of Soil and Water Conservation (Master Degree), National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Department of Soil and Water Conservation (Master Degree), National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Perspectives The ultimate goal of the Department is to coordinate the needs of nation’s hillslope development and disaster prevention, therefore, students are trained with up-to-date techniques and fundamental engineering core abilities. Special project that expands for two consecutive academic […]
Department of Soil and Water Conservation, NCHU, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Department of Soil and Water Conservation, NCHU, National Chung Hsing University 145 Xingda Rd., South Dist., Taichung City 402 Taiwan. The Department of Soil and Water Conservation was established in 1964 in recognition of the importance to conserve the soil and water resources in the country. The graduate program of M.S. degree was initiated […]