Due to their functions, soil and water are two of the most important natural resources, given that life on Earth depends on them both



This master is biennial and will not open pre-registration for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The master’s degree in Soil and Water Management gives students multidisciplinary training in Earth Sciences, especially hydrology and soil science applied to the sustainable use of natural resources, in both farmland and forested areas, and in the conservation of the quality and the quantity of water and soils.

This is an inter-university master’s degree programme worth 90 credits, containing a highly professionalised approach.

The degree is taught by highly-reputed experts from the four universities involved, specialising in geology, chemistry, biology and soil science, and in applied sciences like agricultural, forestry and hydrological engineering.

Career options

Carreer options

Upon obtaining your degree you will be prepared to do the following, whether in administration, research, education or the private sector:

  • Generate and interpret soil and water data. Prepare soil maps.
  • Maintain and/or improve agricultural production efficiently and economically, through proper management of irrigation and fertilisation.
  • Manage rural areas by preserving or improving the quality of soil and water.
  • Control the degradation of soils and waters, and use them efficiently.
  • Use and manage the soils for recycling and recovery of organic waste, minimizing impacts.
  • Diagnose problems of soil contamination and apply remediation techniques.
  • Evaluate hydrological, geomorphological and soil risks, and plan measures to reduce and minimize their impacts.
  • Rehabilitate degraded lands and develop environmental restoration projects.


Master’s Degree Coordination

The master’s degree is coordinated by the University of Lleida, where all the registration procedures must be done.

Dr. Ramon J. Batalla (ramon.batalla@udl.cat), general coordinator of the master’s degree
Dr. Xavier Domene (Xavier.Domene@uab.cat), coordinator for the UAB

Coordinator university:

University of Lleida

Participating universities

University of Barcelona
Public University of Navarre
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Additional information
